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2024-2025 Teen Programming

Our new Academy structure allows teens to engage with our varied offerings as much or as little as they wish to do so. Our Academy "All-Access" option allows an all-inclusive pricing structure for member families who wish to take advantage of all we have to offer.

TI-member and non-member teens are also able to take part in our programming with a flexible pay-as-you-go option for the following programs by completing the form below:
  • Monthly Sunday evening sessions, 5-7pm, dates listed below - prices range $36-$72 per session, depending upon the programming at each session.
  • Monthly weekend youth group events, details times tbd by our teen leadership. Tentative dates listed below - $36-$50 per session, depending on the event.
  • Madrichim program  (for TI-member teens only) - volunteer in a Religious School or Jr Academy classroom during the year. $118 fee for the year covers all training and materials. 

Parent Information

Students without permission to self-dismiss will need to be met at the close of the event by an adult.

Student Information

Registration Details

2024-25 Madrichim Application
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784